Sunday, October 13, 2013

About Creative Insight

Creative Insight is about the way I see the world through my eyes and capture it on canvas. My name is Michael A. Williams and I am visually impaired artist from Memphis, Tennessee. I have been drawing and painting since the age of 14 and enjoy it vey much. Art is my way of writing or playing music. I communicate through color, shapes and inspiration.
While growing up I always knew I was different. I knew I was having difficulties seeing things and no one noticed it until I was a teenager. During the time of discovery, I was diagnosed with Stargardps; Disease, a macular degenerative disorder that affected the central part of the eye and light would have little success in reaching the back of the eye.  
Although, I would still try to play basketball and football with family members just to see what choice I still had in playing sports, the question was answered very quickly and painfully, none. I decided to pursue music and lost interest very quickly, woodworking was almost my liking, but, safety for fellow classmates and myself was top priority for the shop teacher, detail will not be mention, moving right along, so, I decided to take up drawing and never stopped since. However, the teacher was still concerned how I would pull it off and I wasn't in the class for long. Therefore, I was stuck in home education. Well, at least I can learn how not to stick myself with a needle and how not to burn the school down while baking or cooking. I was fortunate not to reach that extreme moment of burning the school down and the needles won out. After a few choice words and bad aids later, I was able to get back into art while attending  junior high and high schools. I had good art teachers who saw natural art abilities I had in me and encouraged me to create. I was able to prove to them that I had a great talent in me that would allow me to go on to win outstanding art student of the year award, pen and ink drawing calendar contest and many other art competitions.

"Serenity Mountain" oil on canvas by Michael A. Williams
During my mid 20s, I would produce several pen and ink prints in series of 100, each had to be hand painted with a light watercolor wash and sold out of each series. However, I wanted to expand and decided to reach myself how to use acrylics and oils.
Today, I am in my 40s and continue to inspire others and love art because of the endless possibilities to create. My disorder had eventually stabilized in my mid 20s and I have adaptive technology and low tech items to aid me in creating . I improvise what I can't see and I believe using your imagination to create is truly inspirational. 

Uniquewanders Art Gallery and Studios -Online Art Gallery

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